Discover a way to make your favorite foods healthier for you! Here you will find recipes designed to help you cut the fat and not the taste out of your daily meals!
How to Make Tasty Low Fat Coleslaw - Great taste without the fat! This is a great recipe for almost any meal but would go great with chicken!
How to Make Healthy Hanukkah Latkes - Looking forward to the taste of those yummy latkes but not all that oil? Try something different this holiday. Keep the great taste and lose the fat!
How to Make a Tasty Fat Free Salad Dressing - Salad lovers - now there is a tasty way to enjoy that salad without all the fat that comes with regular salad dressings. Here is a healthy twist you are sure to love!
How to Make a Healthy Low Calorie Dressing - Oil Free - Ditch the oil based salad dressings and replace it with this delicious healthier choice dressing!